Simple tool for creating anonymous Youtube playlists.

How to use

  1. Paste videos separated by new line or space
  2. Press Create Playlist to go to your playlist 
Note: Needs access to clipboard in order to be able to paste links.
If your browser doesn't allow it, you can use the button to paste links on cursor.

By @SuzukaKDev

PS: I made it mostly for myself, since I personally like to group podcasts, videos or songs I'd like to listen while I'm working in a single bookmark, but without making a normal playlist (since is temporal and I will delete it later).
But, in case someone else finds it useful, here it is.


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Psst, your page title says “aninomous” but the app description says “anonimous”. technically the spelling is “anonymous” ;)

Awesome tool! I got it working!

(1 edit)

Aaah you are totally right! Thank you so much for the help and the comment mate, I really appreciate it! :D